God sets the pace and agenda

Therefore, since we do hold and engage in this ministry by the mercy of God [granting us favor, benefits, opportunities, and especially salvation], we do not get discouraged (spiritless and despondent with fear) or become faint with weariness and exhaustion. – 2 Corinthians 4:1 (Amplified)

On a recent preaching tour to Namibia I was detained at the Windhoek airport for three hours. My flight was scheduled to arrive at 14h15, and my plan was to pick up a rental car and drive 345km to my first stop over. Part of the journey was on gravel road, and due to the winter season, the sun would set early. I wanted to start with the journey as quickly as possible in order to arrive at my destination before nightfall. In those parts of the world, driving in the evening is dangerous due to deer crossing the roads at night. But the plan worked out differently.

In my travel documents was a receipt and work permit approved by the Department of Home Affairs of Namibia to preach in their country. According to them my passport just needed to be stamped at the airport. However, the immigration officers at the airport wanted a visa document from Home Affairs. I got caught up in between the two parties and there was nothing I could do, except sit, wait and trust the Lord to work it all out according to His purposes and glory. I left the airport at 17h30 and started my journey after sunset and only arrived late at night. Looking back I realized:

  • I was perfectly at peace in the situation and I was able to stay patient with the immigration personnel.
  • During my time of waiting I met a group of young people from Netherlands who were on their way to minister to the children in Rehoboth. In our conversations we realized that we knew the same people in Rehoboth and also in the Netherlands. That was a lovely meeting between God’s children.
  • God send a pastor from Windhoek to accompany me and direct me on the correct route to my destination.
  • Without knowing it Avis Car Rental upgraded my vehicle to a better vehicle which assisted in the long distances I had to drive.

As I was driving that night it suddenly dawned on me that it was not as dark as I anticipated it to be. I could clearly see my surrounds and realized that it was a full moon. God was in control and at work in my circumstances.

We need to remember that God sets the pace and agenda of our lives and we need to recognize that God is using all circumstances, good or bad, to work out His purposes in our lives. He works it for our good (Romans 8:28). He wants to renew our inner self (2 Corinthians 4:16), transform us into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29) and use us for His testimony, purpose and glory (John 17:18). So, my dear friend let God set the pace and agenda of your life. He knows best.